The building shell was made the same way as the Seaside Cottage (with texture paint blobbed on).

Roof pieces were beveled along the mating edges for a stronger fit when glued together. Once dry, the roof was carefully turned over and small, round dowels were glued in on the underside at the corners for more strength (you can just see the end of one at the top). A plate was made for the bottom, which was beveled and glued in place along with very short dowel pegs at the underside corners so the roof won’t slide around.
Card shingles were made ala the HG Walls method. The chimney was made from LINKA castings.
The building’s terrace has been added in the back…
As well as a side staircase. A couple of additional horizontal wood railings were finally added (see finished building) and everything was then painted and detailed. Prepainted doors, window inserts and platform goods were glued in place (the goods were made from craft store barrels and HIRST castings… see finished building).
Inside view of the working front door with its simple slide lock. A little visitor would like to know if Mr. Price can come out and play.
Next: Glamour shots.